This site is an outcome of the Comenius 2008-2010 multilateral project "European Journey Through Legends".

"Becoming more European does not mean forgetting our national cultural heritage, but sharing it with other European nation".

A Legend about The Building Of The Gaziantep Castle

According to a common legend told among people, a rich lady was having the castle built. One day, she saw a funeral ceremony, turned to her servant walking by her and asked ‘What is this?’ Her servant replied, ‘Dear lady, people die and when they pass away, they are carried in a coffin like this to the graveyard and buried. “In this coffin you see there is a body of a man who was alive yesterday, like us…” he says.

After this woman comes back with her servant and calls the construction master and say “Let the castle stay incomplete, I’ve never thought about the death before”. According to this vague dated legend, the history of the castle goes back to ancient times.

The name of the citadel of Gaziantep, of which real name is Kala-i Füsus ( Citadel of Ring), goes back to another legend. According to the legend, a girl who was the owner of the region was responsible for the construction of the castle. She had to sell her precious ring for the expenses of the construction. For this reason, the name of Kala-i Füsus which means Citadel of Ring was given to it.

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